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Verify who you are and what you own
Scan a QR code and input your details. Our system verifies your identity, confirms what IP you own, and allows you to link content channels or companies you represent.
Customize terms and sell licenses
Rightsholders can list their IP for sale by selecting the property, setting terms such as price, use case, exclusivity, and revenue splits, then hitting list. Any co-rightsholders will be notified for approval before the listing goes live.
Browse and purchase licenses in a click
Browse through public profiles and explore pages or use our AI-powered search bar for precise results. Once you select a license to purchase, specify your usage details and make an offer with just one click.
Verify license ownership instantly
License ownership data is stored using decentralized technologies, which creates an immutable record of transactions. Third-parties can access our license ownership data through our API/Webhook which prevents false claims.
Our effect. Nitrility's marketplace turns a complex process simple
Once you set your sights on a license, purchasing it with all the proper legal work takes milliseconds
Communication with buyers and sellers is instant and intuitive. Drawn out legal processes no longer exist.
We have over 34,000 of the top rightsholders in the world selling licenses for over 400,000 assets
Never deal with false copyright issues, or false legal disputes
Long Contracts
False Lawsuits
DMCA Claims
Copyright Claims
Say no more to
Supporting license sales for music IP such as songs and albums, for sellers such as record labels, artists, publishers, etc.
Supporting license sales for patent IP such as utility, design, and plant patents, for sellers such as firms, inventors, etc.
AI Training
Supporting the license sales and purchases for AI model training use such as language, voice, and image/video models, etc.
Supporting the license sales and purchases for videography use such as tv series’, movies, independent productions, etc.